
Each player need to choose one of the following three player packages.

  • A
  • Lunch x 2
    Dinner x 1
  • Party
  • No hotel
  • 700 SEK
  • B
  • Breakfast x 2
    Lunch x 2
    Dinner x 1
  • Party
  • Hotel Ledaren
    (4 beds/room)
  • 1200 SEK
  • C
  • Breakfast x 2
    Lunch x 2
    Dinner x 1
  • Party
  • Hotel Premium
    (double rooms)
  • 1600 SEK

If you have family/friends travelling with you without playing, contact one of us in the organisation.

Team fee is 1900 SEK. The deadlines for submitting the payments are listed under important dates