
1 nov 2023

Sign Up HS2024 is OPEN
Sign your team up by filling our the web form above. No fees needed!

15 nov 2023

Early Bird – Secure a bid
Teams who pay the team fee before this date will be guaranteed a spot!

30 nov 2023

Sign Up & Player Pack Selection Deadline
Bids will now be awarded among all remaining signups (check your contact email).
Secure your spot by submitting the team fee and having selected (not payed!) at least 6 player packs.
Sign-ups after this date will be put on the waiting list.

10 dec 2023

Team Fee Deadline

Teams with unpaid team fees will lose their reservation after this date. Teams on the waiting list can take over available bids by completing the step above.

31 dec 2023

Player Pack Deadline
Player packages must be paid by this date. Player packs are limited in numbers – pay early to get the pack you want. Teams without min 6 paid player packs will lose their spot after this date.

23-25 feb 2024

Hello Stockholm 2024!
The first games start at 15.00 Friday. The finals are over around 16.00 on Sunday.